New batch brewed on 8/29 I increased the amount of tea…w New Hope 32 grams for medium and 50 grams for large.
Tasted first fermentation of the increased tea amount and it tasted a bit stronger this was bottled today 9/5.
We made 13 plain bottles with 1 tsp sugar.
Used 1 inch piece of peeled ginger and one peeled O’Henry peach (large). Cut into smaller pieces then threw everything into mini food processor. Used 1 Tbsp of mixture per bottle and 1 tsp sugar. We made 6 bottles.
Well, it definitely isn’t as good as the OG. I pulled last week’s at 15 days. It isn’t that much better…I’ve ordered 2 new teas…for now we’re staying with New Hope as we have no alternative. The first fermentation definitely is good at 7 days.
The large batch seem perfect (seems closer to OG at first fermentation but second one shows it’s faults) the medium was good as well. We made 17 regular bottles 1 tsp sugar and 1 large.
I am pulling the 8/22 bottles at 11 or 12 days. Will test.
Pulled the 8/22 bottles at 11 days on 9/2. Was good but as Rindon says it’s “spot” but not “spot on” …the tea really made a difference…..
So, this New Hope tea is still different, it seems lighter and does not have the finish of the OG. It’s seems lighter and ferments quicker than OG tea. I cut down 1st fermentation next week to 7 days (instead of 8). The second fermentation we have been moving at about 16-17 days instead of 18. Will change that to 15 (possibly 14 days).
Today we bottle 19 bottles with 1 tsp sugar. The medium batch was on the strong side but the large batch was weak and sweet.
Tastes very close to our old tea – maybe a tad different…but very close. We made 23 bottles using 1 tsp sugar – both large and medium batches were good.
We are down to the last 3 oz of the OG oolong and we bottled 19 plain w 1 tsp sugar. Both the medium and large batches were just right.
I found a new roasted oolong from Taiwan which maybe the OG tea or at least same region and similar roasts – FINGERS CROSSED!!! We brewed batch of the 4 seasons and put scobies in holding pattern. The Rishi which arrived 7/21/21 was brewed (from a saved scobie and starter in fridge) and medium batch was made 7/22/21.
Got lazy and uncreative so went with the standby as it’s the most popular.
Also, in this batch we ran out of the David’s Tea Tie Guan Yin and went with Four Season Oolong (not a Tie Guan Yin but roasted) in the medium batch. It was sour and light and after first fermentation did not taste like our usual OG. Sigh. We did 8 bottles of the 4 seasons w teaspoon sugar – was also vinegary. We made12 bottles from large w 1 tsp sugar from large batch which was just right.
We continue on the search for a replacement tea. Found a Canadian brand and ordered 4 samples of 4 different roasts of Tie Guan yin…fingers crossed…
Made 9 bottles of strawberry using 1/4 cup of strawberry and 3/4 tsp sugar. After one and half days it was still flat (even with muggy warm weather). Pulled them out of fridge and left on counter overnight and returned to fridge. Did not pop was slow rise with a little bit of fizz.
Made 12 bottles of plain with 1 tsp sugar. Both batches were sweet and a tad vinegary.
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