Happy New Year! First buch of the New Year is orange. We used 1/4 orange juice and 1 tsp sugar and made 12 bottles using large batch. The large batch was just right.
With leftover from large batch and using medium batch we were able to make 10 bottles w 1 tsp sugar. The medium batch was just right as well.
Pulled the orange Monday and it was not explosive.
The large batch was a little weak and we used it for the plain batch. We made almost 12 bottles (1 tsp of sugar) …the 12th bottle was just a tad short.
The medium batch was just right and we used it to make 11 grapefruit (1/2 tbsp sugar) kombucha bottles.
Grapefruit was pulled at 5 days and shockingly was not explosive. Had good fizz.
We made 21 bottles of kombucha with 1 tsp of sugar from medium and large batch. As always the medium was a little bit stronger but both were just right.
We turned up the heat in the house due to cold weather so at 9 days the buch was ready! We continued on with the passionfruit – I think there will be one last batch as the vine is producing less. It wasn’t bad as I harvested over 400+ and that’s with sharing with the rats, mice, squirrels and opossums.
We made 14 bottles of passionfruit and 2 tsp of sugar per bottle and 13 bottles of plain with 1 tsp of sugar.
We pulled the passionfruit at 3 days but it was too early even though the pulp was rising in the neck.
We pulled at 10 days and things as we tested at 9 and was a bit weak. Ten days was good for the batch as days are getting colder. We ended up making 18 bottles of passionfruit w 2 tsp sugar. We made 3 regular sized plain (1 tsp sugar) and 2 tall (1/2 tbsp sugar).
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