5/17/21, Started Kombucha again

Started from preserved scobys a large and medium batch of kombucha. We will be bottling 5/25/21.
Started from preserved scobys a large and medium batch of kombucha. We will be bottling 5/25/21.
We were supposed to do the kombucha 5/6 but forgot. Large batch just right but a tad sweet the medium batch was stronger. I used 1 tsp sugar and made 21 bottles.
Since we were moving into the RV we did not brew any batches but made tea to hold the scobies.
Both large and medium batches were a tad sweet and weak(less scoby) but ok.
We used the large to make 14 bottles of grapefruit 1/3 cup juice 1 1/2 tbsp sugar.
Plain made 9 bottles w 1 tsp sugar.
We used both large and medium batches both were perfect. We made 15 regular plains w tsp sugar and one large 1 1/2 tbsp sugar. We did 4 tangerines w 1 tsp sugar.
Both batches were just right. We went all out and used the large and half the medium batch to make 19 bottles of tangerine (1/3 cup tangerine and 1 tsp sugar). We made 4 bottles of plain w 1 tsp sugar.
The medium and large batches were just right and we added 1 tsp sugar and made 21 bottles of plain.
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