This is our first attempt at a blended tea brew. We are transitioning one of our Darjeeling batches to this new house blend of Black, Oolong, Green and White teas.
Poi Dog will be our work-in-progress house blend. In this batch we used 2 Tazo English Breakfast bags, 1 Tazo Darjeeling, 1 Oolong, one homemade green tea bag (equivalent of 2 bags or 2 tsp) and one homemade white tea bag (heaping 2 tsp).
We bottled this on August 7th in bottles #41-45 with 1/4 cup fresh blackberry puree, 1 tsp grated ginger and 1 tbsp sugar. #41-43 did a 3 day 2nd fermentation and was good but we believe 4-5 days is better for blackberries. We moved #44 and 45 into the fridge on 8/11 for a 4 day 2nd ferm.
Turned out great. A four day second fermentation was better for fizz than three. This is definitely a house favorite. We’ll let blackberry go for 4-5 days from now on while strawberry seems to fizz earlier at 3-4 days. The multi-tea blend is nice.