Here are some scoring patterns. Our signature is a big ‘B’!
We used our House recipe…
- Water: 430 ml/g (Irish guy uses 460g)
- Starter: 320 g
- Flour: 800 g
- Salt: 10 g
- Sugar: 2 tbsp
- Olives, sliced 1-2 cups (optional) (add last 5 minutes of kneading)
- Rest: 10:00
- Knead: 20:00
- Shape: OFF
- Rise 1: 3:00
- Rise 2,3: OFF
- Bake: OFF
- Keep Warm: OFF
After 3 hrs 35 min. we’ll remove it from the machine, punch it down, cut it in half, put 1/2 back in the machine, proof that for 3-6 hrs (longer seems to make it more sour) and bake for 55 minutes. The other half we’ll make into an artisan boule (round) and bake in the cloche for 35 minutes (first 20 with the cover on, 15 off) at 425-450 F depending on how hot your oven runs. We set our at 425 F but I think it’s closer to 450 F. Don’t forget to score your loaves before baking. We’re going to try scoring our bread machine loaves from now on as they haven’t been rising as well as we’d like. We’re also trying 8 hours of proofing (5 hour 2nd rise) to increase sourness and rising.
Notes: You can use white or wheat flour (or pretty much any flour) or a combination. We’re finding we like white sourdough. You can also skip the sugar as sourdough is really just flour, salt and water. You can add some olive oil (2 tbsp), use brown sugar instead of white and many more tweaks. We put a cup of olives in our batch today.
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