This is our pure Darjeeling batch. This time we reduced the number of tea bags to 5 and increased the amount of starter buch to 1 1/2 cups (up from 1 cup). We are doing this to try to make our buch a little less strong and a little sweeter.
We harvested this on 8/18. After 8 days it still tasted sweet and not vinegary. We now have bottles #51-55 with 1/4 cup raspberry puree, 1 tsp ginger and 1 tbsp sugar. We’ll let this go another 3 or 4 days before moving to fridge. Raspberry has been a recent new favorite here at Babs’ Buch and now we’ve added some ginger for what is sure to be a new house favorite – Razamataz!
Ginger seems to overwhelm raspberries and strawberries. Blackberries seem to handle it better. The red berries seem more delicate. We may try mint again in our red berry flavors but probably not ginger for awhile.